Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 3: More CSS, Git version control, and first day of pair programming

Once again I could barely get any sleep last night as my mind was constantly thinking about code. A fellow classmate was telling me about how he shuts off his brain about an hour and a half before he intends to sleep. I need to start implementing that because I really need to get better sleep if I intend on continuing as this fast pace.

This morning once again started off with a lecture. The topic was a more in-depth knowledge about git version control and the major functionalities of it. We learned the difference between push, pull, clone, pull requests, etc. Once that was finished we had our first day of pair programming, where we'd be working on a CSS assignment similar to what we've been working on.

We were using an online website called, a site where you can upload code and it updates real time. It was pretty awesome. My partner and I took an approach in which we decided how we were going to break up the layout, decide who was going to take what part, then code from there.

I made the rookie mistake of us working on overlapping sections of the layout which caused conflict in code. Luckily we were able to salvage the mess but we became significantly behind.

Ultimately to be great at pair programming, the two workers shouldn't be messing with the same parts of the code and there needs to be absolutely clear communication. You can't be working on a certain part of the code without speaking up. You two could end up making less progress than one working alone because you are constantly being counterproductive.

We only had one hour of doing pair programming (which went by EXTREMELY fast), then we proceeded to present our code and be critiqued by Michael Choi.

Michael is making a great effort to write elegant and clean code from the start before we even develop bad habits. His points of emphasis are: proper indenting, no unnecessary tags (divs especially), and good naming of id's and classes.

Wednesday was sports day so we went to the park to play ultimate frisbee(my suggestion. Woot!) and everyone had a great time. The weather was really awesome too so we even had Potbelly delivered right to us at the park. It was really fun but of course we weren't attending Coding Dojo to play frisbee so a lot of us wanted to head back.

4 o'clock rolled around and once again we worked on algorithms to make sure that we are keeping our brains sharp and that we'll be ready for technical interviews.

All in a days work!

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