Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week 3 Weekend: Putting it all together: Database, forms, validations, etc. and preventing SQL injection

Today I met up with some classmates to get some extra work done on our assignments. We worked on one of the big checkmark assignments: The Wall.

In this assignment we were to create a "wall" which acts as a public bulliten board. Users can register for an account and post on the wall. All data is stored of the database with proper connections between tables.

Here is the registration/login page, made beautiful using Twitter Bootstrap (I'm glad I finally get to post "pretty things" after doing database stuff for a week). The form displays messages when errors are made on the form.

Here is the actual wall where users can post information on the "wall". Furthermore users can make comments on posts all made possible by associations created on MySQL.

One thing I really like about Coding Dojo is the reoccurring talk about security. Here we are taught how to prevent malicious attacks by hacker trying to ruin information in our database.

The more I learn about security, the less safe I feel about using web applications. How many of these apps are actually doing things like encrypting my password or preventing things like SQL injections? From what I'm gathering from the web and those in the industry, it is much less than I think.

With security there really is no 100% hacker-proof application. All a hacker needs is one open window. But the thing is... you don't to have the safest house on the block, you just have to be safer than your neighbors. Why would a hacker bother to go through all the loops you set up, when other web applications don't have those security issues?

Well 6 days of coding in a row has made my brain extremely exhausted, I think I'll take it easy tomorrow and rejuvenate my brain for next week when we start learning OOP and MVC frameworks.

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