Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 23: Ajax

Today was probably the roughest day when it came to learning a new technology. If you don't know Ajax is how a web application can retrieve data from the database and change the content without having to reload a page.

It literally took me 5 hours to get the first assignment done. I didn't ask for much help because I wanted to figure it out for myself but eventually I caved in and got more help than I hoped to need. It was a very humbling experience. Over the course of Coding Dojo, concepts never were challenging to the point where it took me 5 hours. But now that I figured out how it all works... it's so f-ing simple. Seriously... so simple. Which made me kick myself even more.

Above is a snippet of my Ajax call. The problem is that the code is so nit picky that you have to be extremely careful else it won't run at all. The whole class actually had a lot of difficulty understanding the Ajax so what the instructor and TAs did was a special demo session where they built an ajax form all from scratch.

Seriously though... now that I know it's so simple. Tomorrow I'll be doing more assignments in increasing difficulty to solidify my understanding of Ajax and do them in different contexts.

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