Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 25: APIs and Red Belt Exam

I write to you with my brain hardly functioning right now. After 4 hours of examination with my brain firing on all cylinders, I completed my Red Belt Exam. Something that I totally underestimated. It was to create a basic application where users can register, login, and link with each other to become friends. I'd say 95% of the application wasn't anything we haven't seen before but the other 5% literally took me 2 hours and I still didn't get it right. There were two complex SQL queries that I couldn't figure out just right which caused me to not do it 100%. I still think I'll pass the exam because you need at least 8/10, but kinda bummed that I won't be getting all 10. Guess we'll all find out on Monday!

But in the morning I was expanding my knowledge by learning about APIs.

If you're familiar with Ajax, APIs are simply the same thing except that you're calling an external site rather than an internal link.

Here I'm using the Google Directions API. I just send it two parameters (the start and end location) and it returns me JSON data that I can parse and display.

That exam wiped me out, no more coding for me until tomorrow.

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