Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 33: More Mongoose and Intro to Angular.js

Today I simply worked on more mongoose. I still don't feel like I have a solid understanding of mongoDB and mongoose but I'm sure it'll come with time and repetition as with everything else we learned in class.  After about halfway through the day I finally finished my assignment. I got all the proper data into database, queried the database, and properly displayed all the information on the browser. Essentially covering all the CRUD operations.

After that was all done, I started learning Angular.js, a front-end framework that helps you build Single-Page-Applications. It's just a cleaner, more organized way coding instead of doing tons of Ajax calls with callbacks in callbacks.

Below you'll see a list of users that I manually inputed. The search functions allows me to filter and only display the users that fit the criteria in the search box. As you can see only names that show up starting "jo" are displayed. This is the type of technology that is used on searches like on Facebook and other searches where results are dynamically changed based on the data in the search box.

Below is just an example of what Angular code looks like. It's nice because there's functions that really help you accomplish with less code (e.g. for loops replaced with ng-repeat).

Once again another new technology. My brain is getting pretty tired. After a little more of this, we'll have our project week where I'll be working on a personal project I was thinking of. Stay tuned!

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