Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 32: Mongoose

Today I started learning about MongoDB and Mongoose. MongoDB is simply a datastructure that is more flexible than SQL databases. However because it can become too flexible, it's easy to lose structure and organization for your databases. Mongoose is a helper for MongoDB (kind of like DataMapper) that provides structure in the form on schemas.

This morning we had a lecture on how to use MongoDB and Mongoose. It kind of sucks that MongoDB doesn't have a nice User Interface that MySQL has but it does "build character" when using the Terminal. It does make you feel more like a developer rather than a designer.

And then off to a familiar assignment except with totally new tools. We have now incorporated the "M" in "MEAN stack". All I have left in the future is to learn Angular which I will start tomorrow.

I feel like I'm learning this stack at a much slower pace than the MAMP (mac, apache, mysql, php) stack. It's kind of discouraging but I keep reminding myself that the desire to keep going on through the difficulties is what makes you into a great developer!

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