Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 30: Express +

Halfway through the program! It's been quite a journey so far and I'm sure getting kind of burnt out. A lot of my fellow classmates are feeling the same. It's been intense. Really intense. Definitely going to take a break from coding this weekend so I can rest my brain.

Although I've been pretty tired I gotta say the stuff we're learning is quite cutting-edge stuff. Node with express as a framework really changes the way things are going to be done in the future.

The pictures above show how I'm making a persistent connection with my server using Rather than having the server or client make request back and forth, there is a persistent connection that listens for events that are happening.

Next week on Monday I'll be working on a chat room in which multiple users can log on. Using jQuery on top of that allows me to display on the HTML the content that gets passed back and forth between the client and server. Pretty neat stuff. This is the type of application that node shines in.

Alrighty time to wrap up this blog post short and enjoy my weekend!


  1. Hey Ted,
    This is John, I visited a while ago- week two. Hang in there, man! I hope you guys all enjoy a beer when it's over!

    Also, give a shout-out to Speros for me- I didn't realize that he was from Athens. There's a lot of cool things in tech going on there, maybe I'll have to show him over a web app.

  2. Hey John! Thanks for the words of encouragement! Speros is now in Arizona doing big things.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
