Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 58: Phone interviews and working more on the UI of TrainerExpress

This morning I had two phone interviews from prospective employers. One was for a front-end developer position at a major fitness company and the second one was from a tech consulting company.

The interviewer for the tech company asked a bunch of technical questions regarding front-end development. Although I know a lot of these things in actually implementation, I had a difficult time answer specific technical vocabulary questions (e.g. What's the difference between progressive enhancement and graceful degradation). The interviewer was nice enough to give me the answer he was looking for so that I can be better prepared for the next one. All in all, I don't expect to be moved forward with the next step of the process. It was a humbling yet great learning experience from my first interview.

The second one was for a tech consulting team that's trying to expand to Seattle. They are quite present around the world but they're looking to fill their tech needs in this new market. The phone interview just composed of simple questions about me and my background. He then sent me an email containing a few algorithm questions. They were so simple that it kind of threw me off guard. I made sure that I submitted the most efficient algorithm to my knowledge. There will be more of these coding challenges in the future which will be much harder I'm sure. I think this first one was to weed out extreme beginners. I expect to get a second coding challenge in the future.

After those two interview in the early afternoon, I was actually pretty exhausted. Being that they were my first phone interviewers with actual hiring managers instead of recruiters, I was very nervous. After taking a long break, I started continuing my project.

Here is a quick snapshot of the finished page of my application.

My brain is definitely fried and feeling the pressure of finding a job. I just need to remind myself that this can become a long process and that I should really take things one day at a time.

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